Hello ...

I'm Arciel.
You can call me
Arci/Arcie. I'm 20+ yo,
and my pronouns is she/they.
Interact in IDN/ENG.


I'm selective sharing Leviathan (current moots are okay). Sometimes talk about NSFW with CW. Please put CW or write demoncest properly (I've muted that). Correct me on DM if I do wrong. Bub to break mutual. Semi hiatus in ObeyMe fandom.


basic DNF, under 17 yo (current moots are okay), hate me, my MC Arciel, or my yumeship, attack real people because of fiction, you don't want to try to understand other and think the world only revolves around you.

Main Interest(s):
Leviathan, Obey Me, Levarci (I have a separated heavy yume acc), writing.
Other Interest(s):
drawing, Twisted Wonderland, game, animanga, webcomic, cat, moots, and you.


LEVIATHAN 🧡, Saeyoung Choi, Gavin, Idia Shroud, Ieyasu Tokugawa, Kirr